Searching Tools
The Research Process
1) Brainstorm keywords and develop research question
2) Choose the best tool for the job
3) Refine and Repeat Search
4) Evaluate Source
5) Cite Sources and Avoid Plagiarism - Links to Help Students
Google - Use advanced search options
Evaluated Subject Directories - Below
General News Sources - Local, National, and International
MeL - Michigan eLibrary, "academic journals, magazines, multimedia, news, primary sources, reference, statistics and viewpoints - use the "Teens" link on the left"
eLibrary [OPAC] - Links to Local Public Libraries
Evaluated Subject Directories
Guides compiled by subject specialists. From the UC Berkley Digital Library SunSITE
Internet Public Library - Pathfinders and reference tools from the University of Michigan
Awesome Library - Carefully reviewed resources organized by grade level and language
The Virtual Library - The oldest catalog of the web, started by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of html and the web itself
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence - Government Institutions
Academic Info - "Guides compiled by subject specialists. From the UC Berkley Digital Library SunSITE"