Special Education Services
Michigan Law, under ACT 451 of the Public Acts of 1976, requires that special education supports be available to all eligible children, from birth to age 26, or graduation. Crestwood employs 21 certified and trained teachers who deliver academic services to students who are identified by a team of professionals as requiring special education instruction in order to become active, successful learners in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) setting. When necessary to meet a student’s unique educational needs and goals, consideration will be given to providing services in other locations. A small number of our students need more intensive, specially designed instructional programs throughout much or all of the school day. These programs are available at designated schools within our district and other schools in Wayne County. Our main objective is to work collaboratively with the general education teachers to provide as much time in the student’s regular grade as they can successfully handle as well as give the individual support that is needed. A wide range of support services are available to meet the individual needs of students. These services include psychological evaluations, speech therapy, school social worker evaluations and support, occupational therapy, as well as a school nurse to assist with medical issues that children may have. Appropriate related services are identified through the IEP process. Transition plans are developed for all eligible students beginning at age 16, or younger if appropriate. Functional Behavior Assessments are conducted for students at all levels whose behavior impedes their own learning or the learning of others, and Behavior Intervention Plans are developed as necessary by the IEP Team. The number of students identified as requiring special education programs and services varies from year to year but is generally around 12-14 % of our total school population.
Special Services/Special Education
For information regarding District Special Services call 313-278-2916
New Mediation Assistance Hot Line To Provide Improved Resolution to Special Education Disputes
The Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder Website
Special Education Administrative Forms and Procedures
including MDE State and Due Process Complaint Documents - Revised/New
Information regarding Michigan Special Education Reference (MI-SER)
The MI-SER is designed to combine easy access to IDEA, U34 CFR Part 300, Michigan laws, statutes, administrative rules, and procedural information in a single location.
Learning Disabilities Criteria
The Crestwood School District is subscribing to the Wayne County approach to determining a student with a specific learning disability.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 included important changes in the approaches schools use to determine specific learning disabilities
Based on current research, Wayne county schools are using new methods of assessment and instruction to prevent learning deficits. When analyzing a student's performance and achievement for patters of strength and weakness, the consistencies among cognitive and academic skills are used to identify specific learning disabilities.