Multi-Age Tuition Preschool Program
What is a Multi-Age Classroom?
Our tuition program is open to children ages 3 and 4 years old. This format allows teachers to meet children at their current developmental level, regardless of age. Children are often the best teachers and in a multi-age classroom there are more opportunities for children to learn from peers that have just mastered a skill. We provide a variety of materials and activities that allow each child to work at their own pace that is best suited for their individual interests and abilities. Teachers guide children to move along to the next stage of the curriculum when they are ready.
The benefits of enrolling in a multi-age classroom are:
Improved Academic Outcomes
Boosts Social Skills
Encourages Emotional Well-Being
Builds Self-Confidence
Provides Stability
What makes our program high-quality?
Highly-qualified teachers
High quality learning environment
Research-based curriculum
Hands-on learning based on best practice
Focus on literacy, mathematics & social/emotional skills
Scaffolded learning
Family engagement
Nutritious meals provided
Outdoor play experiences
Rated as: Enhancing Quality-Validation by Great Start to Quality (MDE)
Which curriculum is used?
The Creative Curriculum® is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features inquiry, exploration, and discovery as the foundation of all learning. As a content- rich, developmentally appropriate curriculum, it delivers academic rigor alongside social-emotional learning and cognitive development.
The GOLD Assessment follows widely held (state) expectations for children from birth through third grade and enables a whole-child approach to assessment. Meaningful reports inform classroom practices and individualized instruction.
What will my child’s day look like?
Each classroom has a daily schedule of activities that includes:
Large group
Music and movement
Small group instruction
Planning and recall
Choice time
Read aloud
Outdoor exploration
Children must be three years old on, or before, September 1st of the current year
Schedule Options and Tuition Cost:
There are a variety of schedule options to meet your individual needs.
2024-2025 Schedule options:
Five half days $450/month
8:30-11:00 AM OR 1:00-3:30 PM
Five full days $750/month
8:30-3:30 Full day
Required documents for registration include:
Copy of child’s birth certificate
Copy of up-to-date immunization records - Immunization Requirements from the Michigan Department of Community Health
$75.00 non-refundable registration fee for the first child and $15.00 for each additional child (Registration fee waived for families who register before June 1st AND pay the first month tuition in full.)
For more information or to schedule your registration appointment call us at:
Our Location:
Crestwood Early Childhood Center
1045 N. Gulley
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127