Dual Enrollment

CHS Dual Enrollment Student/Parent Contract

Dual Enrollment allows public high school students to take college courses that are paid for by the students' school district or charter school. This program allows eligible students the opportunity to receive college credit while still in high school.

Crestwood students have the option to Dual Enroll at any institution that offers the program to High Schools.

Students are REQUIRED to follow the college/university college academic calendar, rules and regulations, and policies.  The college/university calendars DO NOT align with the Crestwood High School calendar.

Local colleges/universities that CHS students often attend are:

Henry Ford College - https://www.hfcc.edu/steps/apply/high-school/dual-enrollment

Schoolcraft College - https://www.schoolcraft.edu/admissions/high-school-dual-enrollment

Madonna University - https://www.madonna.edu/admissions/dual-enrollment/guest-students

Lawrence Technological University - http://www.ltu.edu/futurestudents/hsdual.asp

University of Michigan – Dearborn – https://umdearborn.edu/highschooldualenroll/
(UofMD criteria is specified below; parents are responsible for partial tuition and fees)*
Admission Criteria - Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens.

Current Class Standing



3.0 or greater GPA posted on high school transcript


3.5 or greater GPA posted on high school transcript

Sophomore and Freshman*


  • 3.75 or greater posted GPA on high school transcript

  • Personal interview with Admissions representative to ascertain maturity level and preparedness for college coursework and environment

  • Final approval by Director of Admissions and Orientation or Associate Director of Admissions

  • Optional: additional assessment scores if available: i.e. Explore, Plan, ACT, Compass, MME, PSAT, SAT, or Accuplacer

*High school Sophomore and Freshman students, upon admission to UofMD, will be asked to sign a contract with the Student Success Center which will provide them with additional support options to help ensure a successful collegiate experience.

Resource Links

Michigan Transfer Network - view transfer course equivalencies between Michigan colleges & universities.
Financial Aid for College