CSD Spelling Bee 2024

The Crestwood School District recently celebrated its 2nd Annual Scripps National Spelling Bee, an event that not only showcased the district's commitment to literacy but also highlighted the competitive spirit and academic excellence of its students. Sponsored by The Amity Foundation, the spelling bee took place at the Riverside Middle School Auditorium on January 10th and 11th, with enthusiastic participation from students across the district's three elementary schools—Hillcrest, Highview, and Kinloch—and Riverside Middle School.

AB Winner 2024

The competition kicked off with students competing against their classmates, making this year's spelling bee a unique and exciting event. The winners from each grade level demonstrated their spelling prowess and competitive spirit:

1st grade: Hussein Baydoun

2nd grade: Zayn Farhat

3rd grade: Celia Bazzoun

4th grade: Riya Patel

5th grade: Ali Hojeij

6th grade: Yousef Fawaz

7th grade: Noah Hamzawy

8th grade: Jaafar Fawaz

YF Winner 2024

The excitement reached its peak on February 26th during a special qualifying match to select the district representative for the Scripps National Spelling Bee Regional Tournament, facilitated by WXYZ Channel 7. Yousef Fawaz, a 6th grader from Riverside Middle School, emerged as the champion and will represent the district at the regional competition on March 13th, 2024.

The event was graced by the presence of special guest judges, including Dr. Youssef Mosallam, Trustee Hassan Beydoun, Trustee Selwa Fawaz, Trustee Billy Amen, Dr. Ali Nassrallah the Family Doc, and Wayne County Commissioner David Knezek. Their participation added a touch of prestige to the event and underscored the community's support for academic endeavors.

Spelling Bee  pic 2024

Additional thanks go to the dedicated judges who contributed their time and expertise: Associate Superintendent Andria O'Hara, District Coordinators Sarah Tumminello and Zainab Jawad, and PTA President Najah Janoun. Their involvement was instrumental in the success of the event.

The spelling bee was a celebration of academic excellence, collaboration, and community spirit. Prizes for the winners included an iPad for the first-place winner, a $50 gift card to Brome for the second-place winner, and a $25 gift card to Custard Hut for the third-place winner.

CSD Spelling Bee 2024The Crestwood School District extends its heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers, administrators, parents, and especially the students, whose hard work and enthusiasm made this event a shining example of the district's commitment to fostering a positive climate and culture. As the district looks forward to the WXYZ Regional Competition, it continues to celebrate the achievements of its students and the supportive community that surrounds them.