alt text board study session 2023

Crestwood School Board Study Session: An Evening of Insight and Innovation

October 2, 2023

The Crestwood School District’s Study Session tonight was an illuminating testament to our commitment to academic excellence. Every school in our district presented their achievements and future plans, painting a picture of determination, innovation, and success.

Dr. Mosallam, our district superintendent, eloquently presented our data review, emphasizing the myriad of ways we have cultivated opportunities for our staff and students. He remarked, “Data isn’t just numbers; it’s the reflection of our collective dedication, of every opportunity we’ve nurtured, and of the innovative paths we’ve paved for our community.”

The highlight of the evening was undeniably the presentations by school teams. Guided by their dedicated coaches, they delved deep into their data, showcasing the significant strides made and outlining the potential of the coaching model in fostering an even more engaged and dynamic educational atmosphere.

As Dr. Mosallam so aptly put it, “When we invest in our educators, we’re investing in a brighter future for our students. Today’s insights lay the foundation for tomorrow’s achievements.”

Tonight was a shining example of why Crestwood School District is not only moving in the right direction but is setting the pace for others to follow. We remain steadfast in our mission to deliver the best educational opportunities, boldly and innovatively.
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